How can you help us?
Be their voice!
Social is a fantastic way of spreading awareness! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and encourage your friends to do the same!
If you see or know of any miniature donkey or horse in need, please pass that information on to us. We will help in any way we can. If you see a donkey or horse in need of a better situation (such as auctions, CraigsList ads, bad neighbors, etc.) and you can gain LEGAL ownership of the donkey and wish to surrender it to us, we can usually accept them. Please contact us to confirm we can handle the intake and we can discuss the situation.
Financial Contributions
Hillcrest Farms Rescue & Sanctuary is a 501c3. All donations are tax deductible. 100% of the contributions go to the feeding, veterinary care, farrier costs of all of the sanctuary's residents. We will also use funds to bail, ship, and quarantine any donkey or horse we are able. We will also run donation campaigns for any donkey or horse we are trying to save if time allows. We will have specific fundraisers for any projects for the sanctuary, such as the quarantine barn that we have on our wish list!
There are a number of ways to contribute financially to Hillcrest Farms Rescue & Sanctuary. We are working on a sponsorship program that you will be able to sponsor a resident of the sanctuary.
You can also do a one time donation through PayPal or make your donation a monthly contribution. If you'd like to be a monthly donor, click on the "Donate" button below and select "Make this a monthly donation."

Stock Donation
Did you know you can donate stock to Hillcrest Farms Rescue & Sanctuary? Investopedia explains some of the tax benefits of donating stock shares. If you are interested in making any stock donations before the end of the year, contact us for our brokerage and wiring instructions.
We are currently waiting for our AmazonSmile and Wish List account to be approved. Once this is, the links will be provided here.